Source code for artisan._cbor_io

CBOR reader and writing functionality used by the `Artifact` class.

Exported definitions:
    PersistentArray (`numpy.memmap` subclass): A `memmap` backed by a CBOR file.
    PersistentList (`list` subclass): A `list` backed by a CBOR file.
    read_cbor_file (function): Read a CBOR file.
    write_object_as_cbor (function): Write an object to a CBOR file.

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from io import BufferedRandom
from itertools import chain
from os import SEEK_END, SEEK_SET
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence, Tuple, cast
from typing_extensions import Annotated

    from fcntl import LOCK_EX, LOCK_SH, LOCK_UN, lockf
    locking_is_supported = True
except ImportError:
    locking_is_supported = False

import cbor2
import numpy as np

from ._namespaces import dictify, namespacify

__all__ = [
    'PersistentArray', 'PersistentList',
    'read_cbor_file', 'write_object_as_cbor']

#-- CBOR primitives ------------------------------------------------------------




dtypes_by_tag = {
    64: np.dtype('u1'),
    65: np.dtype('>u2'),
    66: np.dtype('>u4'),
    67: np.dtype('>u8'),
    68: np.dtype('u1'),
    69: np.dtype('<u2'),
    70: np.dtype('<u4'),
    71: np.dtype('<u8'),
    72: np.dtype('i1'),
    73: np.dtype('>i2'),
    74: np.dtype('>i4'),
    75: np.dtype('>i8'),
    77: np.dtype('<i2'),
    78: np.dtype('<i4'),
    79: np.dtype('<i8'),
    80: np.dtype('>f2'),
    81: np.dtype('>f4'),
    82: np.dtype('>f8'),
    84: np.dtype('<f2'),
    85: np.dtype('<f4'),
    86: np.dtype('<f8')}

tags_by_dtype = {
    dtype: tag
    for tag, dtype
    in dtypes_by_tag.items()}

#-- Persistent collections -----------------------------------------------------

class PersistentList(list):
    A `list` backed by a CBOR file.

    For performance, a `PersistentList` is invalidated when another object,
    including another `PersistentList`, writes to its backing file. An
    invalidated `PersistentList` is a potentially out-of-date read-only view
    into the file, and calling `append` or `extend` on it will corrupt the file.
    def __init__(self, file_: BufferedRandom, length: int) -> None:
        # Read the file into a buffer., SEEK_END)
        buf = bytearray(file_.tell()), SEEK_SET)

        # Overwrite the header, in case it is currently being written to.
        header = list_header(length)
        buf[:len(header)] = header

        # Parse the buffer's contents as list items.

        # Store the file pointer for `extend` calls.
        self._file = file_

    def __setitem__(self, index: object, value: object) -> None:
        raise TypeError('`PersistentList`s do not support item assignment')

    def __delitem__(self, index: object) -> None:
        raise TypeError('`PersistentList`s do not support item deletion')

[docs] def extend(self, items: Iterable[object]) -> None: ''' Extend list by appending elements from the iterable. ''' # Coerce the collection of items to add into a sequence. items = items if isinstance(items, Sequence) else list(items) # Append the items, CBOR-encoded, to the backing file. data = b''.join(map(cbor2.dumps, dictify(items))), SEEK_END) self._file.write(data) self._file.flush() # Update the header with the new list length. header = list_header(len(self) + len(items)) with locking_header(self._file, LOCK_EX):, SEEK_SET) self._file.write(header) self._file.flush() # Add the items to `self`. super().extend(items)
[docs] def append(self, item: object) -> None: ''' Append object to the end of the list. ''' self.extend([item])
class PersistentArray(np.memmap): ''' A `numpy.memmap` backed by a CBOR file. The file must contain a row-major multidimensional array as defined in IETF RFC 8746. For performance, a `PersistentArray` is invalidated when another object, including another `PersistentArray`, writes to its backing file. An invalidated `PersistentArray` is a potentially out-of-date read-only view into the file, and calling `append` or `extend` on it will corrupt the file. Due to NumPy issue 4198 (, `PersistenArray` extends `np.memmap` by proxy, meaning that it delegates attribute accesses and method calls to an internal `np.memmap` object instead of using Python's native subclassing mechanism. '''
[docs] def extend(self, items: object) -> None: ''' Extend the array by appending elements from `items`. '''
[docs] def append(self, item: object) -> None: ''' Append `item` to the array. '''
class PersistentArrayImpl: __name__ = 'PersistentArray' __qualname__ = 'PersistentArray' __doc__ = PersistentArray.__doc__ def __init__(self, file_: BufferedRandom, shape: Tuple[int, ...], dtype: np.dtype) -> None: self._file = file_ self._memmap = np.memmap( file_, dtype, 'r+', data_offset(len(shape)), shape) def __array__(self) -> np.memmap: return self._memmap def extend(self, items: object) -> None: ''' Extend the array by appending elements from `items`. ''' # Convert `items` to a NumPy array. item_array = np.require(items, self._memmap.dtype, ['C_CONTIGUOUS']) # Raise an error if the arrays' shapes are not compatible. if self._memmap.ndim == 0: raise ValueError('scalars cannot be extended') if item_array.ndim == 0: raise ValueError('`items` must be a sequence') if item_array.shape[1:] != self._memmap.shape[1:]: raise ValueError('container and item shapes do not match') # Write data., SEEK_END) self._file.write(item_array) self._file.flush() # Expand the memory-mapped array. dtype = self._memmap.dtype offset = data_offset(self._memmap.ndim) shape = (len(self._memmap) + len(item_array), *self._memmap.shape[1:]) self._memmap = np.memmap(self._file, dtype, 'r+', offset, shape) # Overwrite the header., SEEK_SET) with locking_header(self._file, LOCK_EX): self._file.write(ndarray_header( self._memmap.shape, self._memmap.dtype)) self._file.flush() def append(self, item: object) -> None: ''' Append `item` to the array. ''' self.extend(np.asanyarray(item, self._memmap.dtype)[None]) class MemMapForwardingAttr: ''' A descriptor that returns `obj._memmap.{key1}` when accessed. ''' def __init__(self, key: str) -> None: self._key = key def __get__(self, obj: object, type_: type = None) -> Any: return getattr(getattr(obj, '_memmap'), self._key) if 'sphinx' not in sys.modules: # Replace `PersistentArray` with `PersistentArrayImpl` # and add `np.memmap` methods and attribute-accessors. globals()['PersistentArray'] = PersistentArrayImpl for key in set(dir(np.memmap)) - set(dir(PersistentArrayImpl)): wrapper = MemMapForwardingAttr(key) wrapper.__doc__ = getattr(np.memmap, key).__doc__ setattr(PersistentArrayImpl, key, wrapper) #-- Reading -------------------------------------------------------------------- def read_cbor_file(path: Annotated[Path, '.cbor']) -> Any: ''' Read a CBOR file. If the file encodes an indefinite-length array, a `PersistentList` will be returned. If the file encodes a 0–12-dimensional row-major array as specified in IETF RFC 8746, and the shape elements and byte string length are encoded as 8-byte unsigned integers, a `PersistentArray` will be returned. Otherwise, a JSON-like object will be returned. ''' # Defer to other readers if the path does not correspond to a CBOR file. if path.suffix != '.cbor': raise ValueError() # Open the specified file and read the first 128 bytes. f = cast(BufferedRandom, open(path, 'rb+')) with locking_header(f, LOCK_SH): header = cast(bytes, # Try parsing the file as a `PersistentList`. try: return PersistentList(f, parse_list(header)) except (ValueError, IndexError): pass # Try parsing the file as a `PersistentArray`. try: return PersistentArray(f, *parse_ndarray(header)) except (ValueError, IndexError): pass # Parse the file using `cbor2`. return namespacify(cbor2.loads( def parse_list(buf: bytes) -> int: ''' Parse the given buffer as the header of a `PersistentList` and return the number of items in the list. A `ValueError` is raised if an unexpected token is encountered and an `IndexError` is raised if the end of the buffer was reached while parsing. ''' pos, size = parse_token(buf, 0, MAJOR_TYPE_ARRAY) fail_if(pos != 9) return size def parse_ndarray(buf: bytes) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], np.dtype]: ''' Parse the given buffer as the header of a `PersistentArray` and return its shape and data type. A `ValueError` is raised if an unexpected token is encountered and an `IndexError` is raised if the end of the buffer was reached while parsing. ''' # Check for a "multidimensional array" tag. pos, root_tag = parse_token(buf, 0, MAJOR_TYPE_TAG) fail_if(pos != 2 or root_tag != TAG_MULTIDIM_ARRAY) # Check whether the payload is a length-2 array. pos, root_len = parse_token(buf, pos, MAJOR_TYPE_ARRAY) fail_if(pos != 3 or root_len != 2) # Check for a shape array with up to 12 entries. pos, ndim = parse_token(buf, pos, MAJOR_TYPE_ARRAY) fail_if(pos != 4 or ndim > 12) # Read the shape array. shape = ndim * [0] for i in range(ndim): pos, shape[i] = parse_token(buf, pos, MAJOR_TYPE_UINT) fail_if(pos != 4 + 9 * (i + 1)) # Check whether the shape array is followed by a typed data array. pos, dtype_tag = parse_token(buf, pos, MAJOR_TYPE_TAG) fail_if(pos != 6 + 9 * ndim or dtype_tag not in dtypes_by_tag) dtype = dtypes_by_tag[dtype_tag] # Check whether the data array is a byte string with an 8-byte size. pos, nbytes = parse_token(buf, pos, MAJOR_TYPE_BYTE_STRING) fail_if(pos != 15 + 9 * ndim or nbytes != * dtype.itemsize) # Return metadata if parsing succeeded. return tuple(shape), dtype def parse_token(buf: bytes, pos: int, expected_major_type: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: ''' Parse the CBOR token starting at `buf[pos]` and return the position of the next token in the buffer and the token's value. A `ValueError` is raised if the major type of the token does not match `expected_major_type`. ''' major_type = buf[pos] & 0b1110_0000 extra_info = buf[pos] & 0b0001_1111 if major_type != expected_major_type: raise ValueError('CBOR parsing failed.') elif extra_info < INFO_NEXT_BYTE: return pos + 1, int(extra_info) elif extra_info == INFO_NEXT_BYTE: return pos + 2, int.from_bytes(buf[pos+1:pos+2], 'big') elif extra_info == INFO_NEXT_2_BYTES: return pos + 3, int.from_bytes(buf[pos+1:pos+3], 'big') elif extra_info == INFO_NEXT_4_BYTES: return pos + 5, int.from_bytes(buf[pos+1:pos+5], 'big') elif extra_info == INFO_NEXT_8_BYTES: return pos + 9, int.from_bytes(buf[pos+1:pos+9], 'big') else: raise ValueError('CBOR parsing failed.') def fail_if(condition: bool) -> None: ''' Raise a `ValueError` if the given condition is not true. ''' if condition: raise ValueError('CBOR parsing failed') #-- Writing -------------------------------------------------------------------- def write_object_as_cbor(path: Path, val: object) -> str: ''' Write a JSON-encodable object or a NumPy array to a CBOR file. ''' if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): write_ndarray(path, val) elif hasattr(val, '__array__'): write_ndarray(path, val.__array__()) # type: ignore elif isinstance(val, list): write_list(path, val) else: with open(path, 'wb') as f: cbor2.dump(dictify(val), f) return '.cbor' def write_list(path: Path, list_: list) -> None: ''' Write a list as a CBOR file containing an array. ''' with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(list_header(len(list_))) for elem in list_: cbor2.dump(dictify(elem), f) f.flush() def write_ndarray(path: Path, array: np.ndarray) -> None: ''' Write an array as a CBOR file containing an row-major multidimensional array, as specified in IETF RFC 8746. The shape elements and the size of the byte string will be encoded as 8-byte unsigned integers. ''' with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(ndarray_header(array.shape, array.dtype)) f.write(np.ascontiguousarray(array).data) f.flush() def list_header(length: int) -> bytes: ''' Return the CBOR header for a list. ''' return bytes(( MAJOR_TYPE_ARRAY | INFO_NEXT_8_BYTES, *length.to_bytes(8, 'big'))) def ndarray_header(shape: Tuple[int, ...], dtype: np.dtype) -> bytes: ''' Return the CBOR header for a multidimensional array. ''' return bytes(( MAJOR_TYPE_TAG | INFO_NEXT_BYTE, TAG_MULTIDIM_ARRAY, MAJOR_TYPE_ARRAY | 2, MAJOR_TYPE_ARRAY | len(shape), *chain.from_iterable( (MAJOR_TYPE_UINT | INFO_NEXT_8_BYTES, *n.to_bytes(8, 'big')) for n in shape), MAJOR_TYPE_TAG | INFO_NEXT_BYTE, tags_by_dtype[dtype], MAJOR_TYPE_BYTE_STRING | INFO_NEXT_8_BYTES, *int( * dtype.itemsize).to_bytes(8, 'big'))) def data_offset(ndim: int) -> int: ''' Return the byte offset corresponding to the start of an `ndarray`'s data in a CBOR file. ''' return 15 + 9 * ndim @contextmanager def locking_header(file_: BufferedRandom, mode: int) -> Iterator[None]: ''' Return a context manager that acquires a lock on a CBOR file's header. ''' if locking_is_supported: lockf(file_, mode, 128) yield lockf(file_, LOCK_UN) else: yield